Call Me Jonah
Buy NowWritten by Richmont's President: an inspiring look into the extraordinary moments and unexpected connections present throughout the universe.
Christian Integration in Counselor Education
Buy NowCo-written by Dr. Stanley Hoover: empowering faith-based CACREP-accredited counseling programs to integrate robust Christian principles and values while upholding the ethical standards outlined in the American Counseling Association's Code of Ethics.
The Patriarch: Essays from the Middle
Buy NowWritten by Dr. Joshua Rice: exploring the spaces of middle age through the lenses of the Bible, long-distance running, and modern psychology.
The Jewish Centaur: Adventures in Pentecostal Spirituality
Buy NowWritten by Dr. Joshua Rice: exploring his Pentecostal history through personal stories of encounter, dissonance, doubt, and faith in search of a tangible theology to fall in love with.
Paul and Patronage: The Dynamics of Power in 1 Corinthians
Buy NowWritten by Dr. Joshua Rice: a study employing social-science criticism to construct a model of ancient patronage conventions and power-exchange dynamics in the Greco-Roman world, and applying it to 1 Corinthians.
Dawn of Sunday: The Trinity and Trauma-Safe Churches (New Studies in Theology and Trauma)
Buy NowCo-written by Dr. Preston Hill: using the metaphor of the dawn of Sunday, proposing a double witness to trauma that straddles the boundary between the deadly silence of Holy Saturday and the joy of Easter Sunday.